Amir Simyar

Kex & Kola in the Big City: The Magical Story of a Clean Sewer” is a heartwarming and educational book that is perfect for children and families who are looking to learn more about environmental sustainability. The book tells the story of two hamsters, Kex and Kola, who live in a magical city in the sewers and their efforts to create a clean and thriving ecosystem.

Environmental Sustainability:

One of the major themes in the book is environmental sustainability. The hamsters in the magical city have created a clean, thriving ecosystem in the sewers, proving that even in the most unlikely of places, a healthy environment can be created. Throughout the story, the hamsters practice good environmental habits, such as conserving resources and protecting wildlife. This serves as a reminder to children about the impact that their actions can have on the environment and encourages them to think about the world around them and how they can make it a better place.

Inspiring Change:

The clean, thriving ecosystem in the magical city serves as an inspiration for readers to consider what could be possible in their own communities and the world at large if we all made an effort to reduce our impact on the environment. The hamsters’ success in transforming their surroundings demonstrates that positive change is possible and that it starts with small actions. This message is particularly important for children, as they will be the ones who will inherit the world that we create today.

Responsibility to Future Generations:

The book emphasizes the importance of preserving and protecting the environment for future generations. The hamsters understand that their actions today will determine the health of their environment for years to come, and this message is just as relevant for children today. We all have a responsibility to ensure that the world remains a healthy place for generations to come, and “Kex & Kola in the Big City” is a powerful reminder of this.


In conclusion, “Kex & Kola in the Big City: The Magical Story of a Clean Sewer” is an entertaining and educational book that teaches important lessons about environmental sustainability. The hamsters’ efforts to create a clean, thriving ecosystem serve as a reminder of the impact that our actions can have on the world and inspire children to take action to preserve and protect the environment. This book is a must-read for families who want to promote environmental awareness and inspire their children to make a positive difference in the world.

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